Sunday 12 August 2012

Facts about Mahatma Gandhi

1. Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most fascinating personalities of the 20th century. The way in which he stood up against discrimination in South Africa and in India using non-violence combined with the theory he developed on his methods mak
e him one of the most important examples in the history of humanity.
2. He has been the inspiration for many people including Martin Luther King.
3. Mahatma Gandhi spoke English with an Irish accent. One his first teacher was an Irishman.
4. During the freedom struggle, Gandhi wore nothing but a humble loin cloth, contrary to the silk hat, spats, and shiny cane that he donned while he lived in London.
5. Educated at London University, he became an attorney and practiced in England. The first time he attempted to make a speech in court, he couldn’t stop shaking, and was so frightened that he had to sit down.
6. In his grey years, Gandhi wore a set of false teeth…in a fold of his loin cloth. He only put them in his mouth when he wanted to eat. After his meal he would take them out, wash them, and store them back in his loin cloth.
7. All throughout his life, Mahatma Gandhi practiced non-violence and truth, and advocated the need to follow these principles.
8. When he was sent on contract to South Africa, Gandhi applied his Sermon on the Mount philosophy. It was a hit, as clients would flock to him by the hundreds because he was able to settle their claims out of court, saving them time and expense.
9. His income in South Africa was about $15,000 a year. It was a significant pay for the time and still a lot for many places in India today.
10. Gandhi frequently experimented with diets to see how cheaply he could live and still remain healthy. Eventually he lived on a steady diet of fruit, goat’s milk, and olive oil.
11. Gandhi drew much of his inspiration for Civil Disobedience from an American author. He treasured the words of Henry David Thoreau, so much so that they inspired in him in his urge for Indians to face jail rather than pay English taxes. He also urged the boycotting of English goods, so when the British placed taxes on salt, Gandhi led followers to the sea to gather their own.
12. Gandhi had several American fans and followers, although he never visited the US. Gandhi sent avid follower Henry Ford an autographed charkha (spinning wheel), which rested prominently in the American businessman’s office.
13. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist - Nathuram Godse on 30th January, 1948.

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